A successful day for Nicki Minaj and Meg Thee Stallion
Chances are if you have any type of connection to the name of Megan Thee Stallion you’ve heard about her “Hot Girl Summer” movement! The Texas hottie has been lighting up the charts and the stages with a very busy and productive summer!! She recently became best friends with Mega Star Lizzo, and shot a video with the Queen of Hip Hop herself, Nicki Minaj. They combined Hot Girl powers and dropped a dope visual to one of the biggest singles to close out the summer!! After Nicki Minaj recently recorded a single with Miami rap Queen, Trina as well. Her fans were excited about the video with Meg, after recent pictures of the two ladies were seen hanging out together. The visual has all the feels, with dope Hip Hop vibes. Take a look below tell us what you think?