Mike Epps had a wonderful comedy event where everyone enjoyed the show, and the event was hilarious. The actor/comedian who is best known for his work in Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Resident Evil: Extinction, and The Hangover was put in a compromising position while taking pictures with fans at a event. Norman Freeman, best known for doing comedic vlogs on YouTube tried to get a picture and a hug with the actor who politely refused. The Pittsburg native, who is a make up artist and budding comedian, went viral online after his video ‘Normal Norman’ gained almost 30 million views. The influencer who was diagnosed with Alopecia has quite the name for himself doing videos, and shows. Never being shy to speaking his mind, Norman then pulls out his phone to start recording Mike Epps and talking about the situation. He called Mike Epps a ‘homophobic’, and also made references to his genitals. Mike Epps, who has been in the media before because of his temper handled the situation in a classy manner, and didn’t give Norman the attention he was looking for. Take a look at the video below.
This provides for excellent conversation for the table. Should celebrities have to give hugs, pictures, autographs to fans if they choose not to? Is it morally wrong to deny hugging someone you don’t wish to hug, or may or may not agree with their lifestyle choices?
Stop making it about his sexuality. People do not have to hug, touch kiss everyone. If he choose not to so be it that’s that man’s personal space. For the love of God!!!
I love you Mike Epps.
Mike Epps was deadass wrong and he is very homophobic you others that commented y’all sound DUMB ASF!!! It is ABOUT SEXUALITY STOP TRYNA COVER UP THE FACT THIS MAN IS HOMOPHOBIC AND ITS VERY CLEAR!!#teamNORMAN